Command Line User Guide#

The jxl2txt command line interface has two available avalable subcommands, convert and info.

Usage: jxl2txt [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  convert  Apply an XSL stylesheet to a Trimble JXL file.
  info     Print information about an XSL stylesheet

The list below describes the purpose of the individual rio-terrain subcommands. Command usage can be had by accessing the --help of each command.


Usage: jxl2txt convert [OPTIONS] XML_FILE XSL_FILE [XSLT_ARGS]...

  Apply an XSL stylesheet to a Trimble JXL file.

  xml_path : input JobXML path

  xsl_path : input XSLT stylesheet path

  --output OUTPUT_FILE    output file name
  --prompt / --no-prompt  show user prompts for stylesheet options, or use
                          command line arguments

  -v, --verbose           enables verbose mode
  --help                  Show this message and exit.


Usage: jxl2txt info [OPTIONS] XML_FILE

  Print information about an XSL stylesheet

  --help  Show this message and exit.